Your donations mean the world to us, and when you donate it means we can support even more families affected by imprisonment. See below to find out what your money could be put towards. We are in the process of setting up a way to donate online, and we'll post on our social media once this is available.

Essential Food Items
Donating just £5 could mean that we are able to provide a visitor with essential food items for them and their family.

Days Out & Wellbeing Events
By donating £10 we could organise a day out at one of our events for a family, or for them to attend a wellbeing session.

You can help us support families affected by imprisonment by fundraising on our behalf. Fundraising is an amazing way to challenge yourself while making a difference.
Our suggestion is to keep it simple. Choose what you’d like to do - a sponsored walk or a run, climb a hill or mountain. It's completely up to you and we'll be there to support you along the way.
Social media
Use social media to advertise your event, use a platform such as Facebook and set up a Group to invite your contacts to take part. Invite your favourite family member or friend to help you organise the event and set a fundraising target to encourage everyone to support you, every £ you donate will be spent on providing services to families affected by imprisonment.
Online giving
You can set up an online fundraising page, online giving is easy to set up and through Total Giving, for example, donors can tick a box to automatically add Gift Aid which is an additional 25% per donation at no extra to the donor. By doing this, at the end of the fundraiser, the donations will reach the Croft automatically.
Ask for help – we are here to support you and make sure your event is as successful as possible. Please get in touch with us: or call 07484 664 950.
The first 3 letters of fundraising are FUN, so have fun and help the Croft at the same time.
Thank you for your support.